“I think this video will really shock teens. It has changed all of my assumptions about sex trafficking.”

As traffickers target younger and younger victims, American youth are engaged in a battle they never prepared for. Be equipped with Shared Hope International’s best-selling youth sex trafficking prevention film and resource pack!

Each package includes the true story of teens who faced real-life encounters with trafficking and practical resources to spread awareness and take action.

The Two Chosen Films

Available on DVD and Digital Download.

Chosen – Film

(Run Time: 21:34)

Learn the shocking true story of two teen girls tricked by traffickers. Brianna, 18, was a star student, cheerleader and waitress eager to break out of her small town to attend college in the big city. Lacy, 13, enjoyed church and school but struggled to help care for her siblings while her stepfather was deployed and mother worked to support the family. Brianna and Lacy share how traffickers used manipulation to lure them into the world of sex trafficking.

Chosen – Film

(Run Time: 21:34)

Lured by promises of love and protection Maria was recruited by a gang at 12 years old. For five years, she was forced to sacrifice her body to Mexican drug runs, prostitution, and violence. Trapped in a world she never expected, she was forced to make the ultimate decision: surrender her life to the gang or risk escape?

Resource Package Choices


Chosen Plus
/ Elegidos Plus:

Chosen Film check check
Chosen Gang Edition Film check check
Discussion Guide check check
Educator’s Guide check check
Preparation Ideas for School Counselors check check
Presentation Preparation Tips check check
Take Action Ideas check check
Trafficking Terms check check
Leader’s Guide check check
Discussion Guide on Gang Trafficking check check
Educator’s Guide on Gang Trafficking check check
Preparation for School Counselor on Gang Trafficking check check
Gang Terminology Guide check check